Lenses and Indicators
Definitions of the lenses and indicators used in our rankings
- Research and Discovery (Lens)
- Employability and Outcomes (Lens)
- Learning Experience (Lens)
- Academic Reputation (Indicator)
- Alumni Impact
- Business Rankings: Graduate Employment Rate
- Business Rankings: Research Indicators
- Career Placement
- Career Progression
- Citations per Paper (Indicator)
- Citations per Paper - International Trade Rankings
- Citations per Faculty (Indicator)
- Class Diversity
- Class Experience
- Class & Faculty Diversity
- Class Profile
- Employability and Opportunities
- Employment Outcomes (Indicator)
- Employer Reputation (Indicator)
- Employer Student Connections
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Impact
- Environmental Impact (Category)
- Environmental Research
- Environmental Research Lens
- Environmental Sustainability
- Equality
- Executive Profile
- Experiential Learning