This lens assesses the impact of the research being done in areas aligned to specific UN SDG’s, giving an indication of the relative research culture and attention being given to these crucial topics.
The following metrics are aggregated to create the overall score for this lens.
Weights of metrics for Environmental Research:
Code | Metric | Weight (In the lens / Overall) |
EI3.1 | Research Impact of SDGs for Environmental Research | - |
EI3.2 | National Committment to Research | - |
Research Impact on SDGs for Sustainable Research
We analyse research output produced by institutions, classified by Elsevier as research in SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life Below Water), and SDG 15 (Life on Land). A score from 0 to 100 per SDG is produced using this methodology, and then averaged into an overall score, subject to at least three of the six mentioned SDG scores being 5 or higher.
National Statistics on Research
In this metric, we normalise and scale UNESCO's data Global spending on R&D from 1-100.