QS MoveIN is our dedicated platform allowing business schools to submit their data for our Graduate Management Education (GME) rankings research projects.
Submitting data is the best way to ensure that we are using the most up to date information about your institution and can also be useful process for ensuring your internal records are up to date too.
Once your institution has an account, you can login and submit your data at any point.
PLEASE NOTE: For our World University rankings you will need to submit data via the separate QS HUB platform. Please see the relevant pages in the 'Our Rankings' section for details.
What rankings can you submit data for
You can submit data for any of the below ranking projects that you are eligible for. To check the eligibility rules please follow the links to the individual Ranking pages.
What data can you submit
In the below sections you can find a summary of the types of data you can submit.
School Profile Information
In this section you can provide data on your institution and the programmes it offers including the following:
- Institution name
- Programme name
- Programme URL
- Location
- Average programme length
- Completion options (Full time, Part time)
- Delivery methods (Online, On-Campus, Blended)
- The experience level the programme is designed for
- Programme accreditations
- Student international trips
- Work placements /internships/ consultation work
In this section you can provide data on your institution's tuition fees including the following:
- Tuition fees national
- Tuition fees international
- Scholarship information
In this section you can provide data on the number of full-time staff in your institution's academic faculty including the following:
- Number of full time and FTE faculty
- Number of males in the faculty
- Number of international faculty
- Number of faculty with PhD
Class Profile
In this section you can provide data on the number and demographics of your student body including the following:
- Number of students who started the programme in the latest academic year
- Number of enrolment applications in the latest academic year
- Average years’ work experience
- Number of males
- Number distinct nationalities
- Number of international students
Employment Outcomes
In this section you can provide data on the employment statistics of your programme including the following:
- Mean previous salary
- Mean salary within 3/6 months of completing of the programme
- Programme completion rate
- Number of graduates with employment information
- Number of graduates seeking employment
- Number of graduates accepting a job offer within 3/6 months of graduation
- Number of graduates starting their own business
- Number of graduates who are company sponsored or already employed
- Number of graduates not seeking employment
- Number of students enrolled in the current class
In this section you can submit data on your institution's sustainability efforts including data on the following areas:
- EDI policy
- Ethics culture
- Curriculum
- Equality
Access to QS MoveIN
- Go to the QS MoveIN page and login using your credentials
- If your institution does not yet have a QS MoveIN account please submit a request using the following link - https://support.qs.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new
Where to find the data submission page
- Once logged in to the QS MoveIN Platform click Dashboard in the menu
- Click Show Details under the latest research year
- Click on the relevant ranking project to submit your information
Submitting and editing data
- On each ranking project page you will see the different data sections you can submit for
- The completion status of each section is highlighted next to its name
- You can save your data in each section at any point
- You can move between sections by selecting them in the side menu or using the 'Next ' and 'Previous' buttons at the bottom of each section page
- Required sections are indicated with a *
- Once you are you satisfied that you have filled out the entire questionnaire with appropriate responses go to the FINAL SUBMISSION section and click the Submit button. Once you click this button you will not be able to revise your answers