Section 1. General Terminology 通用名词
Label 标签 | Definition 定义 |
Indicator 指标
A metric used to calculate the final (overall) score for each ranking. A ranking can have multiple indicators. The weights of each indicator add up to 100% of the overall score. An example would be 'Citations per Faculty', an indicator used in our World University ranking. The full set can be found here Methods – QS Quacquarelli Symonds 用于计算每个排名的最终(总体)分数指标。一个排名可以有多个指标。各个指标的权重加起来合计100%。比如“每个教师的文章引用次数”,这是我们世界大学排名中使用的指标。全套可以在QS相关网站找到 – 网站地址 |
Methodology 方法 |
The full set of indicators and their associated processes, calculations and analysis. The methodology for each ranking can be found on the rankings page on For an in-depth look at our methodology & indicators, see Methods – QS Quacquarelli Symonds 全套指标及其相关过程、计算和分析。每个排名的方法可以在 的排名页面上找到。要深入了解我们的方法和指标,请参阅方法 – QS Quacquarelli Symonds,
Weight / Weighting 权重 |
The percentage value given to each indicator to show its importance when compared with others in the ranking. Weights add up to 100% of the overall score. 根据每个指标在排名测算里的重要性,百分比值也各不一样。各个指标的权重加起来合计100%。 |
Data Reporting Period: Academic Year 数据报告周期:学年 |
For all data, it should cover the academic year previous to our rankings cycle. Our cycles start in November of each year - so, when the cycle begins in November 2022, we are collecting data for the 2021 academic year. This will be approximately Jan to December 2021 for the Southern Hemisphere, and August 2021 to July 2022 for the Northern Hemisphere. 对于所有数据,它应该涵盖我们排名周期之前的学年。我们的周期从每年的 11 月开始 - 因此,当周期在 2022 年 11 月开始时,我们正在收集 2021 学年的数据。南半球大约为 2021 年 1 月至 12 月,北半球约为 2021 年 8 月至 2022 年 7 月。 |
Section 2. Submitted data 数据提交
Label 标签 | Definition 定义 |
Average Fees 平均学费 |
The average tuition fees per academic year that a local/international student would be expected to pay for an undergraduate/postgraduate program, with ‘program’ referring to the complete range of courses contributing to a degree/postgraduate degree. This should include all compulsory annual fees a local/international undergraduate/postgraduate student is expected to pay. 本地/国际学生每学年需要为本科/研究生课程支付的平均学费。 “课程”指有助于学位/研究生的完整课程范围。这包含本地/国际的本科生/研究生所有需要支付的年度费用 |
Full-time 全职 |
Working or studying for the full number of hours considered normal or standard. 标准⼯时/学时
Full-time equivalent (FTE) 全职⼈⼒⼯时 |
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is the total number of full-time personnel (staff/students) it would take to meet the commitments currently met by both the full-time and part-time personnel. If there are no part-time personnel, then FTE figure is equal to the headcount figure. 全职人力工时 (FTE) 是全职人员(学生&教职人员)和兼职人员(学生&教职人员)目前履行的全职工时(工作人员/学生)总数。如果没有兼职人员,则全职人力工时数则等于员工人数。
FTE suggested formula 全职⼈⼒⼯时公式
FTE = full-time count + (part-time count/3). This can be used both for faculty staff and student calculations. FTE = 全职人员数量 +(兼职人员数量/3)。这同时适用于教职员工和学生的计算。
FTE average calculation 全职⼈⼒⼯时计算方法 |
FTE = the overall commitment in hours divided by commitment in hours of a full-time personnel. FTE = 员工“作为全职”按工作时长/员工总工作时长。 |
International (related to staff & students) 国际人员(教职人员&学生) |
The term “international” should be determined by citizenship. For EU countries, this includes all foreign nationals, even if from another EU state. In Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, this includes professors from Mainland China. Inclusion and exclusion mirrors those for academic faculty staff and students more generally. In case of dual citizenship, the deciding criteria should be ‘citizenship obtained through birth’. “国际人员”一词应由公民国籍身份决定。对于欧盟国家,这包括所有外国公民,即使来自另一个欧盟国家。在香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区,包括来自中国大陆的教授。包容和排斥反映了更普遍的学术教职员工和学生的包容和独一性。如果是双重国籍,决定标准应该是“通过出生获得的公民身份”。
Students 学生 |
Students refers to all students (undergraduate, masters and PhD) studying solely at your institution towards a full degree. For specific definitions of e.g. undergraduate / international / postgraduate / part-time, please see the individual definitions. 学生是指仅在您的机构,学习一切学位相关课程的所有学生(本科、硕士和博士)。有关本科/国际学生/研究生/兼职学生等的具体定义,请参阅特殊定义。
All exchange and off-shore students are excluded. As for summer school and/or language students, if they take up a particular (language) course that is outlined as ‘undergraduate degree program’ and the student can earn credits towards their final degree they should be included under ‘international undergraduate students’. 所有交换生和离岸学生均被排除在外。至于暑期学生及语言课学生,如果他们参加的课程被概述为“本科学位课程”的特定(语言)课程,并且学生可以获得最终学位的学分,则应将其包括在“国际本科生”中。
Summer school and/or language students who take part in a course not contributing to a degree qualification should not be counted under ‘Total International Students’. 暑校课程学生及语言课程学生,如果所修课程不是学位课程的一部分,则不计入“国际学生”。
Foreign dual degree students can be included under ‘international undergraduate students’ if they fulfil above criteria, spend at least three months at the university, earn credits towards their final degree and have the university’s name written on their diploma. 如果外国双学位学生符合上述标准,且在大学度过至少三个月,获得最终学位所含的学分并且获得该大学文凭,则可以将其包括在“国际本科生”中。
Inbound exchange students are the students attend your institution on international exchange programmes for at least one semester during the annual reporting period. 入境交换生是指在年度报告期内参加学校国际入境交流计划至少一个学期的学生。
Students registered at your institution who have attended another institution abroad on international exchange programmes for at least one semester during the annual reporting period are the outbound exchange students. 出境交换生:年度报告期内,在贵院校注册的国际交流项目至少为一个学期。
Exchange programmes that give out credit points but are less than one semester in duration are to be excluded. 持续时间少于一个学期的交换计划将被排除在学分交换计划外。
The student exchange must be academic in nature and acknowledged by a formal agreement between the two Higher Education Providers. 学生交流必须是学术性质的,并由两家高等教育机构之间的正式协议承认。
The international exchange programme must be between universities, NOT between a university and a company OR corporation OR a university with its international/offshore campuses. 国际交流计划必须在大学之间进行,而不是在大学与公司或公司或拥有国际/离岸校区的大学之间进行。
Section 2.1. Staff data 员工数据
Label 标签 | Definition 定义 |
Academic Faculty Staff with PhD 持有博士学位的教职员工 |
The number of academic faculty staff employed by your institution that have a PhD or equivalent terminal degree. 院校雇佣的具有博士学位或同等最终学位的学术教职员工人数。
Faculty Staff 教职人员 |
Total number of academic faculty staff who are responsible for planning, directing or undertaking academic teaching only, research only or both academic teaching and research within Higher Education Institutions. 所有负责规划,指导和开展学科教学,专职研究或在⾼校学术教学和科研的学术教职人员。
It should include: vice-chancellors, deputy vice-chancellors, principals and deputy principals, professors, heads of school, associate professors, assistant professors, principal lecturers, readers, tutors, researchers, research fellows or postdoctoral researchers who contribute to teaching or research or both at your university for a minimum period of at least three months. 包括:副校长、副校长、校长和副校长、教授、校长、副教授、助理教授、首席讲师、读者、导师、研究人员、研究员或博士后研究人员,他们为您所在大学的教学、研究或两者皆具做出贡献至少三个月。 It should exclude: Support staff (such as technicians, grant-support staff), PhD students who contribute to teaching, hospital residents who do not teach and/or undertake research in addition to clinical duties, exchange scholars and visiting faculty staff who are members of a university other than yours. Off-shore academic faculty staff and staff that hold an academic post but are not active due to retirement or honorary appointment are also excluded. 支持人员(例如技术人员,赠款支持人员),为教学做出贡献的博士生,除临床职责外不教学和/或进行研究的医院居民,交换学者和访问教职员工,他们并非是您学校的成员。离岸学术教职员工和担任学术职务但由于退休或荣誉任命而不活跃的工作人员也被排除在外。
*The important distinction for us is that staff counted as 'research only' should be academically involved in that research and should be likely to publish research outputs. *对我们来说,重要的区别在于,被视为“仅研究”的工作人员应该在学术上参与该研究,并且可能发表研究成果。 |
International faculty staff 国际教职人员 |
The number of academic faculty staff who contribute to teaching or research or both for a minimum period of at least three months and who are of foreign nationality. NB, The number of International Academic Faculty Staff should be included into the number of Academic Faculty Staff. 为教学或研究或两者做出贡献至少三个月且具有外国国籍的学术教职员工人数。注意,国际学术教职员工的数量应包括在学术教职员工人数中。
Staff gender ratio 员工性别比例 |
The % of of staff recorded as Male in relation to all other registered genders such as female or non-binary. 记录为男性的工作人员百分比与所有其他注册性别(如女性或非二元性别)的关系。 |
Section 2.2. Student data 学生数据
Label 标签 | Definition 定义 |
Graduate & Postgraduate Students 硕士学生&博士学生 |
Students pursuing a higher-level degree (Master and Doctorate), including both taught and research postgraduates (e.g. PhD students). The count should include students from all branches, affiliations, facilities and institutions that operate under the name of the main university and are situated in the same country as the main university as well as grant diplomas with the main university’s name on it. If the branch/affiliation etc. is situated abroad such students are excluded into the count. 攻读更高水平学位(硕士和博士学位)的学生,包括授课和研究型研究生(例如博士生)。该指标应包括来自以主要大学名义运营并与主要大学位于同一国家的所有分支院校,附属机构,设施和机构的学生,以及带有主要大学名称的文凭。如果分支院校/隶属院校等位于国外,则此类学生被排除在计数之外。
Graduate and postgraduate are synonyms to embrace all students pursuing Masters, Doctoral or similar degrees such as ‘Specialist’, mainly referring to Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The term graduate is more broadly used in US institutions and postgraduate in British and European institutions. That refers to programs leading to a second tertiary degree or equivalent qualification (UNESCO ISCED-2011 Level 7) and programs designed primarily to lead to an advanced research qualification, usually concluding with the submission and defense of a substantive dissertation of publishable quality based on original research (UNESCO ISCED-2011 Level 8). 研究生和研究生是所有攻读硕士、博士或类似学位的学生的同义词,例如“专家”,主要指东欧和中亚国家。毕业生一词在美国机构中使用更广泛,在英国和欧洲机构中使用研究生。这是指获得第二大专学位或同等资格(教科文组织ISCED-2011 7级)的计划,以及主要旨在获得高级研究资格的计划,通常以提交和答辩基于原创研究的可出版质量的实质性论文结束(教科文组织ISCED-2011 8级)。 |
Graduate & Postgraduate International Students 国际硕士生&国际博士生 |
Please refer to definitions for International and for Graduate & Postgraduate students. 请参阅国际和研究生和研究生的定义。
International Students 国际学生 |
The total number of International students (see above definitions for International and Students) 国际学生总数(见上述国际学生和学生的定义)
Number of student nationalities 学生国籍数量 |
The total number of nationalities (refer to definition of international*) studying at your institution who satisfy the definitions for students*. 在您的机构学习的符合学生定义的学生国籍(请参阅国际*的定义)总数*。 |
Part-time graduate & postgraduate students 兼职硕士学生&兼职博士学生 |
Students whose classroom time (either physical or virtual) or an equivalent resource commitment of an institution is less than 75% of the normal full-time annual study load. Please refer to definition for Graduate & Postgraduate students. 课堂时间(物理或虚拟)或利用机构的同等资源学习的,低于正常全日制年度学习时间75% 的学生。
It should include: evening students and weekend students, subject to 75% study load threshold is met. 包括:夜校生和周末生,须达到75%的学习负荷时间。
It should exclude: online / distance learning students, correspondence students or students of any other study mode, where classroom time is less than 25% of the normal full-time annual study load. 不包括:在线/远程学习学生,函授学生或任何其他学习模式的学生,其中课堂时间少于正常全日制年度学习负荷的25%。
Part-time undergraduate students 兼职本科学生 |
Students whose classroom time (either physical or virtual) or an equivalent resource commitment of an institution is less than 75% of the normal full-time annual study load. 课堂时间(物理或虚拟)或利用院校的同等资源学习时间低于正常全日制年度学习负荷的 75% 的学生。
Please refer to definition for undergraduate students. 请参考本科生的定义。
It should include: evening students and weekend students, subject to 75% study load threshold is met. 包括:夜校生和周末生,须达到75%的学习负荷时间。
It should exclude: online / distance learning students, correspondence students or students of any other study mode, where classroom time is less than 25% of the normal full-time annual study load. 不包括:在线/远程学习学生,函授学生或任何其他学习模式的学生,其中课堂时间少于正常全日制年度学习负荷的25%。 |
Students (Overall) 学生(总体)) |
The total number of all students 总体学生人数 |
Undergraduate students 本科学生 |
Total number of students pursuing a Bachelor’s level or equivalent degree*. *This includes programs leading to a first tertiary degree or equivalent qualification (UNESCO ISCED-2011 Level 6). 攻读学士学位或同等学位的学生总数*。 *这包括获得第一个高等教育学位或同等资格的课程(教科文组织ISCED-2011 6级)。
This excludes certificates/diplomas and associate degrees. The count should include students from all branches, affiliations, facilities and institutions that operate under the name of the main university and are situated in the same country as the main university as well as grant diplomas with the main university’s name on it. If the branch/affiliation etc. is situated abroad such students are excluded from the counts. 这不包括证书/文凭和副学士学位。计算应包括来自以主要大学名义运营并与主要大学位于同一国家的所有分支院校,附属院校,设施和机构的学生,以及带有主要大学名称的文凭。如果分支院校/隶属关系等位于国外,则此类学生被排除在计数之外。 |
Undergraduate international students 本科国际学生 |
The number of undergraduate students who are foreign nationals and who spend at least three months at the university’s domestic physical campuses. See also *International (related to Staff and Students). 本身是外国公民,并在大学国内校园度过至少三个月的本科生。另请参阅*国际人员(教职员工和学生相关)。
Section 3. Fee data 费用数据
Label 标签 | Definition 定义 |
Postgraduate fees – Domestic 本土-研究生学位费用 |
The average fees for a full year of a degree that a domestic postgraduate student is expected to pay. This includes all compulsory annual fees. 本土研究生预计支付的一整年的平均学位费用。这包括所有强制性年度费用。
Postgraduate fees – International 国际-研究生学位费用 |
The average fees for a full year of a degree that an international postgraduate student is expected to pay. This includes all compulsory annual fees. 国际研究生预计支付的一整年的平均学位费用。这包括所有强制性年度费用。
Undergraduate fees – Domestic 本土-本科费用 |
The average fees for a full year of a degree that a domestic student is expected to pay. This includes all compulsory annual fees. 本土本科生预计支付的一整年的平均学位费用。这包括所有强制性年度费用。 |
Undergraduate fees – International 国际-本科费用 |
The average fees for a full year of a degree that an International student is expected to pay. This includes all compulsory annual fees. 国际本科生预计支付的一整年的平均学位费用。这包括所有强制性年度费用。
Scholarship 奖学金 |
A grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement. For rankings purposes, this is for fees only. The fund may come from the university, a private company, or a philanthropic organization. 根据学术或其他成就授予的用于支持学生教育的补助金或付款。出于排名目的,这仅用于收费。该基金可能来自大学、私人公司或慈善组织。 |
100% Scholarship 全额奖学金 |
As above, that covers a full academic year for full payment of fees 如上所述,奖学金为全额支付整个学年的费用 |
50% scholarship 半额奖学金 |
As above, but at least to 50% of full fees per academic year. 如上所述,但奖学金至少为每学年全年费用的50%。 |
Section 4. Additional data 其他数据
Label 标签 | Definition 定义 |
Completion rate 毕业率 |
The percentage of Undergraduate students from the initial enrolment cohort that completed the degree course through to graduation in 100% of the allocated time. Please see here. 在预期时间内, 100% 完成学位课程到毕业,与同学习期间内入读本科生百分比。请看这里。Completion Rate – QS Quacquarelli Symonds |
Continuation rate 深造率 |
The percentage of undergraduates who complete their degree (see above) and go on to postgraduate study at the same or another university within 2 years of graduating. 完成本科学位(见上文),且毕业 2 年内,在同一所或另一所大学继续攻读研究生的本科生百分比。
Employment rate 就业率 |
See 参考: |
Online learning infrastructure 在线学习设施 |
Online systems such as Blackboard, Moodle, Edmodo, SumTotal Systems, Skillsoft, Cornerstone, Desire2Learn, Schoology, NetDimensions, Collaborize Classroom, Docebo, Interactyx, Kahoot, Google Classroom, Canvas by Instructure. 在线系统,如Blackboard,Moodle,Edmodo,SumTotal Systems,Skillsoft,Cornerstone,Desire2Learn,Schoology,NetDimensions,Collaborize Classroom,Docebo,Interactyx,Kahoot,Google Classroom,Canvas by Instructure。 |
Retention rate 升学留存率
The percentage of first-year undergraduate students who continue to their second year of study. 完成本科第一年学习后,继续升到第二学习的本科生的百分比。 |