This page refers to the QS World University Rankings for the 2023 edition and earlier.
The set of indicators for our World University Ranking and their weights are shown below, linking to their fuller descriptions in our methods section.
Academic Reputation | 40% |
Employer Reputation | 10% |
Faculty Student Ratio | 20% |
Citations per Faculty | 20% |
International Faculty Ratio | 5% |
International Student Ratio | 5% |
To be eligible for this ranking, institutions must fulfil our Eligibility Criteria.
Then, to be analysed by each rankings indicators, an institution should meet the following four criteria.
1 | Regional Bar | If an institution is eligible to appear in any of our regional rankings, it must demonstrate performance in the Top 50% of that regional ranking before being considered for the World University Ranking. |
2 | New Entrants | A new entrant should be in the global Top 30% in academic reputation. |
3 | Paper Threshold |
For the QS World University Rankings, an institution should have at least 100 papers indexed by Scopus and published over a 5-year window. Only papers of relevant paper types and after affiliation cap is applied are considered. |
4 | Small Size |
If an institution is of small size (fewer than 5,000 students), then we look at the performance in Academic Reputation, Employer reputation and Citations per Faculty. More specifically, we need at least one of following conditions to be met for the last few editions:
Note that "being analysed" does not necessarily mean "being published" (see Inclusion Criteria).