If you're unable to upload the Academic/Employer contact lists, there may be a few reasons for that. Please ensure the file doesn't include these commonly made mistakes that are shown in the centre of the page.
- 2 emails in the same field, blank email field, not adding @ in an email, duplicate emails, special characters (!,%,?, etc.) in the emails. Please make sure you give the information of specific people, not general email addresses such as info@xy.com or hello@xy.com
- CSV UTF 8 format not used
- template not used/followed: wrong column headings (including upper/lowercase), changing the columns order, data in irrelevant columns, not using transpose option but copy-paste and everything goes in column A
- line breaks within cells or hidden rows aren`t allowed
- more than 400 contacts (often caused by line breaks within cells)
First Name /Last Name /Job Title /Department /Institution /Location / Email are blank (these are mandatory)
Running the file through https://csvlint.io can also be helpful to see whether there are any problems since it lists all the errors per row.
You may also find the Survey Nomination List Submission Guide useful.
Quick reminder about the definition of terms included in the lists:
-In Source you should add the name of the university
-In Title, please choose Mr., Ms., Mss’
-In Department, please add the name of the department for each academic/employer contact (examples: Department of Geography, Arts, Graphics, etc.)
- Examples of Location are: United Kingdom, Malaysia, etc
- Phone numbers are not mandatory
-Academic/Employer contact lists should contain a maximum of 400 contacts each