QS HUB is our dedicated platform for institution data submission. It allows universities to not only submit their data for our research, but also edit their profile on our website.
Submitting data is the best way to ensure that we are using the most up to date information about your institution and can also be useful process for ensuring your internal records are up to date too.
Once your institution has an account, you can login and update your data at any point.
PLEASE NOTE: For our Graduate Management Education (GME) rankings you will need to submit data via the separate MoveIN platform. Please see the relevant pages in the 'Our Rankings' section for details.
What rankings can you submit data for
You can submit data for any of the below ranking projects that you are eligible for. To check the eligibility rules please follow the links to the individual Ranking pages.
What data can you submit
In the below sections you can find a summary of the types of data you can submit. For more information on each data type please refer to the DEFINITIONS tab (see below) on the data submission page.
Data - Faculty
In this section you can provide data on the number of full-time and part-time staff in your institution's academic faculty including the following:
- Faculty Staff
- Faculty Staff Male
- Faculty Staff Female
- Faculty Staff Other
- International Faculty Staff
- Staff with PhD
Data - Students
In this section you can provide data on the number of full-time and part-time individuals in your institution's student body including the following:
- Undergraduate Students
- Undergraduate International Students
- Undergraduate Exchange Students - Inbound
- Undergraduate Exchange Students - Outbound
- Postgraduate Students
- Postgraduate International Students
- Postgraduate Exchange Students - Inbound
- Postgraduate Exchange Students - Outbound
Data - Programmes
In this section you can provide data on the full-time and part-time programmes your institution offers including the following:
- Number of total undergraduate degree programs offered
- Number of total postgraduate degree programs offered
- Number of total undergraduate degree programs offered online
- Student Continuation Rate (in %)
- Number of total postgraduate degree programs offered online
- Student Retention Rate (in %)
- Completion Rate (in %)
- First Generation Learners
- Total number of non-degree courses offered online (e.g. micro credentials / vocational courses) that allow transfer of credits to degrees
Data - Fees
In this section you can provide data on your institution's tuition fees including the following:
- Undergraduate Fees - Domestic
- Undergraduate Fees - International
- Graduate/postgraduate Fees - Domestic
- Graduate/postgraduate Fees - International
- Overall Student Fees - Domestic
- Overall Student Fees - International
- How many students receive a scholarship covering 100% of their fees?
- How many students receive a scholarship covering at least 50% of fees?
Data - Employment Statistics
In this section you can provide data on any employment statistics captured from a student survey including:
- Number of Graduates
- Total Respondents
- Employed Graduates
- Unemployed Graduates
- Graduates in full-time further study
- Graduates unavailable to work
- Median Grad Salary (USD)
Data - Sustainability
To submit data for our Sustainability Rankings you will need to select SUSTAINABILITY under DATA SUBMISSION.
In this section you can submit data on your institution's sustainability efforts including data on the following areas
- Environmental Sustainability
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Research
- Equality
- Knowledge Exchange
- Health and Wellbeing
- Good Governance
For a full list of data points in this section please download the SUSTAINABILITY FORM.
Data - Academic and Employer Survey Contacts
To submit contacts for our Academic and Employer surveys you will need to select SURVEY LISTS from the STATISTICS section in the menu.
- Select the type of contacts you are uploading (Academic or Employer)
- Click DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE to access the relevant Excel file.
- Once the template file is completed click UPLOAD and select the file
- Confirm via tickbox that you have obtained consent from your contacts to pass on their data
- Click SAVE
Access to QS HUB
- Go to the QS HUB page and login using your credentials.
- If your institution does not yet have a QS HUB account please contact our SUPPORT TEAM
Where to find the Data Submission page
- Once you are logged in to QS HUB, go to the menu on the left
- Under DATA SUBMISSION you should see the ranking projects you are currently subscribed to
- Click the relevant project to open the data submission page
Submitting and editing data
Once you are on the DATA SUBMISSION page you should see all of the data points you can submit.
- By clicking on a data point or cell it will turn green and allow you to input the relevant data. If data has previously been submitted, it will be shown in the cell.
- If data has not changed from the previous year you will need to click on each data point and click SAVE to confirm the data for the current year.
- You can save at any point and as many times as you want. The SAVE button is in the bottom right corner.
Definition, History, and Messages
On the right side of the screen (or the bottom for narrow screens), you can find the Definition, History, and Messages tabs relating to each data point.
- The Definition tab will give details as to what kind of data is to be submitted.
- The History tab shows when previous data was submitted.
- The Messages tab allows you to add messaging and context to the data provided.
Warnings and Errors
If the system detects that data has been entered incorrectly it will issue a WARNING.
Warnings highlight the relevant cell in YELLOW and a dialogue box will explain the issue. You can still save data when a Warning has been used, but we suggest you check the data before doing so.
If the system knows that data is incorrect (usually based on calculations) it will flag an ERROR.
Errors highlight the relevant cell in RED, you will not be able to save till the Error is corrected. There are two types:
- The data entered is significantly different from the previous value. The user is prompted to submit an explanation as a message (in the Messages tab from the sidebar) before saving.
- The data entered in calculated cells is wrong. i.e. the overall number of students does not match the sum of undergraduates and postgraduates, or the number of staff with PhD is higher than the total staff.
Next to each data point you will see its status:
- No Status – For a new institution filling data on Hub for the first time, all data points will show as no status.
- Pending – Once data has been saved, its immediate status will show as pending. An institutional support analyst will validate the data once validation process begins.
- Queried – If the institutional support team requires further proof before validating any data point, that row is marked as queried and an email is sent to the university representative. Explanation can be provided via email and/or through the Messages section of Hub.
- Rejected – If adequate proof has not been submitted, the data point is marked as rejected. University representative can then re-enter new data for validation.
- Accepted – Data points that have been accepted will have changed status from pending/queried to accepted.